Sven Erlandson’s Badass Counseling Insights & Reflections

Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

How To Do An Effective Soul Detox

Are you familiar with the phrase ‘soul detox’? Doing a soul detox is a powerful way to purge the toxic crud that poisons your soul.

In this article, you’ll learn more about soul detoxes, what they are, how to do an effective one, and how they can benefit you from a Badass Counseling perspective. 

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Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

What Makes “There’s a Hole In My Love Cup” So Badass Effective?

Did you know that the book “There's A Hole In My Love Cup: The Badass Counseling® Method For Healing The Soul And Unleashing Greatness” truly captures the Badass Counseling methodology, and is unrivaled in its effectiveness? To better understand what makes “Love Cup” so effective, we caught up with author Sven Erlandson to ask him questions about why he wrote the book, how it has helped people, and what’s next.

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Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

The Meaning of Badass and Badass Counseling

Badass isn’t a conventional way to name a counseling business. That said, it perfectly captures the kind of counseling that Badass Counseling provides. Read on to learn more.

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Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

"He Told The Story" -- Eulogy of an American

He told the story of standing next to his father, who was talking to their new country pastor, saying, “Pastor, if I'm teaming up my horses in 50-below weather, I expect more than a 30-minute sermon,” proud of the fact that it was he and his brother who had helped their dad feed and yoke the horses that morning, in the dark.

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Wisdom Sven Erlandson Wisdom Sven Erlandson

Grandma Charlotte's Parenting Wisdom: Heard Not Fixed

The long term effect of constantly trying to direct your child is that the teen/young adult is then forever looking for external sources of guidance -- parent, spouse, boss, friend -- rather than trusting his or her own inner voice. The effect is that other people wield an enormous amount of influence over the young person, even as they progress further into adulthood. That sense of dependency not only grows, but an inner weakness grows with it.

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Wisdom Sven Erlandson Wisdom Sven Erlandson

Is the Greatest Fear in Life the Fear of the Unknown?

"Change will not occur, until the pain gets bad enough." For it is only pain that has the power to force a change in your core belief system. The old belief system -- about life, about yourself, about people, about God/deity, about family, about what is important, about the world, etc -- has to become so confining, so painful, so suffocating, so debilitating as to drive the person away from it, as to give the person the courage to both cut it away and pursue something new and terrifyingly unknown.

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Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

Emotional Incest: Parent-as-Friend and the Very Real Problem of Parental Over-sharing

Far too common nowadays is the parental practice of befriending the child. It is a total “friends with benefits” situation, not sexually, but soul-wise/emotionally. So many parents nowadays LONG FOR a parental-child friendship, because they long for someone who gives a sh*t about them, the parent.  The effect of mom's ACTIONS, regardless of what other words of support are coming out of mom's mouth, is that the child grows up believing he/she doesn't matter, because something else or someone else matters more. And there is no message more guaranteed to bring long term damage than that one. By engaging in parental-oversharing, which is the natural by-product of parent-child friendships, the parent is effectively raping the child's soul, and the world is clapping.


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Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

The Zen-like Trick to Maximum Results

The only way to get to the place of letting go of what society is pressuring you to want is to go through the pain of realizing that what everyone and everything external to you wants for you no longer feels good, and that you no longer have interest in pursuing it. But, setting that aside, not that you really can (or assuming you are on your real path that is most authentic to who you really are), the real way to get to the place of power that is living in the pursuing/not-pursuing tension is to ultimately be okay with never having that which you are convinced you most want.

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Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

Long-Distance Relationships, Control, and Fear (Part 1): The Truth Behind Cheating; An Article for Men

The very thing the man was most trying to avoid - his girlfriend cheating - by having his girlfriend spend less time around other men and her friends is the very thing that he basically creates by cutting her off from her sources of joy. By reducing her positive sources of happiness he drives his girlfriend to find maladaptive, non-constructive sources of happiness. 

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Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

Suicide, Robin Williams, and What's Underneath

...of course, the wonder of it all and the endless tedium of those who drone on and on about ‘untreated depression’, “I’ll be there for you if you’re considering suicide”, and all the other overwrought blather.


I mean, we’ve all thought about it, at one time or another...

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Sven Erlandson Sven Erlandson

A Sadly Funny Word & Life's Ugliest Truth

It is one of life’s ugliest, yet most beautiful paradoxes: creation and destruction are forever inextricably dancing; pain and joy live in the same breath; blessings and curses can never be extricated from their mad embrace. We, it seems, need only have the eyes to see, and the courage to look into the eye of the beast that afflicts us at any given moment or period of life.

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