Badass Counseling’s Sven Erlandson offers you many options for soul counseling.
Badass Counseling Offerings
How can Badass Counseling and sven Erlandson help you on your healing journey?
This is where you will find the range of options available to you beyond one-on-one counseling sessions.
Perhaps you want to participate in the Badass Counseling Podcast.
Maybe you’re looking for DIY courses and free articles.
Or, maybe you’re looking to belong to a community…
Membership in the Badass Counseling CMTY-PLUS! community
The Badass Counseling CMTY-PLUS! Community is your community for healing, growth, support, laughter, and connection with exclusive access to the following:
1. Members-only: “Fireside Chats” 90-minute group Q&A with Sven via Zoom, 2x/month (with rotating times for greater access for all members. Fireside Chats are recorded for later access for those who miss it)
2. Full access to two DIY video courses for healing the soul and unleashing greatness
3. Members-only: “Sven’s Small Sessions” Monthly drawing for 10 CMTY-PLUS! members to have a 1-hour, small-group Zoom Q&A with Sven
4. Weekly journaling prompts to push you in your self-growth work
5. Members-only: Monthly drawing for 1 person to have a 45-minute, one-on-one Zoom coaching session with Sven
6. “Kickass Series” quarterly recorded sessions of Sven interviewing experts and others with inspiring stories!
7. CMTY-PLUS! Community page where members can interact, post, share successes/struggles, and support each other
8. Members-only: “PRIORITY PASS” Move to the front of the line ahead of thousands to be considered to be on The Badass Counseling Show podcast where you will get direct coaching with Sven! (For anonymity, all guests are given new names, and their faces are not seen.)
9. Badass Counseling Monthly Newsletter with Sven’s in-depth analysis of hot topics ranging from long-distance relationships to healing your inner child, from mothers-and-daughters to narcissism, and from co-parenting to finding and following your dream career
10. Regular updates of upcoming hot topics, early book release trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, and more
11. User-friendly access to all features and cheery administrative support
Badass Counseling Courses
BADASS COUNSELING COURSES are the distillation of 25 years of insights and wisdom as a soul counselor to the most intense and successful leaders, athletes, thinkers, and artists. It’s DIY, self-paced therapy at the feet of the master of high-intensity counseling, Sven Erlandson, MDiv.
You'll find the following:
The Badass Dating Course
Relationship on the Rocks?
Soul Parenting: A Deeper Way to Raise Kids
Healing the Soul
Unleashing Your Greatness
High-Octane Combination
In the Badass Tier, you'll discover:
Badass Elite
Free Badass Counseling Articles
In Sven Erlandson's Badass Counseling articles, you'll hear directly from Sven on topics that speak to your soul.
For example, it could be the call of depression, the relationship between fathers and sons, or mothers and daughters, religious trauma, the ups and downs of love, questions about therapy and counseling, and much more.
All free, intense, and valuable to your journey as you work to heal your soul.
The Badass Counseling Podcast
Have you subscribed to the Badass Counseling Podcast?
Hear Sven as he transforms the lives of people struggling with life's ugliest problems.
You can even write in to the producers of the show to be considered to be on the show to talk with Sven and get his help sorting through whatever you’re struggling with most in your life, healing, and growth.