How To Do An Effective Soul Detox

Are you familiar with the phrase ‘soul detox’? Doing a soul detox is a powerful way to purge the toxic crud that poisons your soul.

In this article, you’ll learn more about soul detoxes, what they are, how to do an effective one, and how they can benefit you from a Badass Counseling perspective. 

How To Do An Effective Soul Detox

What Is A Soul Detox?

 Let’s start with the basics. What the heck does soul detox mean, and why should you care?”      

A soul detox is fundamentally a clearing out of all the negative crud that has accumulated in the depths of your being since you were a small child – all the BS beliefs you were taught about yourself; all of the pain from being denigrated, minimized, undermined, or devalued; and all of the fears that resulted from this.

A soul detox is just another phrase for what Badass Counseling has long called “emptying the crud from your love cup.”

You’ll find many religious references to soul detoxes. The Badass Counseling approach focuses on connecting you with your own spirit and the voice of your soul. It does not involve religion unless that is something that you, as a client want or need.

>> Learn more about soul counseling

A Soul Detox Badass Counseling Style

Here’s an image for you to focus on.

A soul detox is sort of like broiling a big porterhouse steak on a broiler pan in the oven, then sitting down to eat that steak with some well-seasoned vegetables, but at the end of that meal realizing you now have to go and clean that broiler pan.

But you can't just clean a broiler pan. It has to be scoured with a Brillo pad or some Ajax. You gotta grind to get that grease-encrusted pan back to sparkling. That's what soul detox is.

That's what it means to get the crud outta your love cup. You gotta scour it hard!

>> What Makes “There’s a Hole In My Love Cup” So Badass Effective?

Scouring your soul as you would a broiler pan after it's been used to fry meat.

 Why Do You Need to Detox Your Soul?

By detoxing your soul you can get to the bottom of everything that’s been covering up your real truth. And the truth is that you’re scared of your truth, scared of the silence, scared of the not-doing, scared of just being.

Further, whether you believe it or not, your true happiness and lasting inner peace are intricately tied to the fears underlying this incessant busyness. If you refuse to slow down and actually begin to look at your life and live deliberately, you will, as a matter of absolute fact, continue to be eluded by happiness.

The only way to still the mind and find lasting peace and happiness is to begin by stilling the external life…and start looking at the stuff that keeps you running, in the first place. That’s where the soul detox comes in.

How Does a Soul Detox Work?

Again, this process doesn't have to take forever. In fact, those who take a long time to do a soul detox either don't know how to scour – i.e., don't really know what they're looking for or how to extract it – or are simply milking the clock. The scouring of the soul can take mere months and be completely life-transformative!

Ultimately, it is to go into your past – the very past you've been avoiding, running from, out of fear of being overwhelmed by it – and find the real truths and your original identity.

It is to scour away decades of untruths and garbage you were taught about yourself. It is to experience the lightness and ALIVENESS that follows in the wake of the scouring! That is a soul detox.

Being in nature helps you do an effective soul detox

How do you do a Soul Detox?

Ultimately, to do an effective soul detox, you want to look deep within yourself and honestly deal with what’s there.

Step 1: Detail the crud in your life

Identify the toxic stuff in your life. What makes you feel negative emotions? What are the things that are preventing you from living a life that is aligned with your values? Negative thoughts, relationships, situations

Step 2: Make a plan for dealing with the crud and scouring your soul

Make a plan to remove the toxins from your life. This may involve changing your environment, your relationships, or your habits.

Step 3: Programmatically replace the crud (sewer) with positive things (diamonds)

Replace the toxins with positive things. Once you've cut out the toxins, it's time to start replacing them with positive things that make you happy.

>> See The 10 REAL Reasons You're Not Happy & Your Business Isn't Successful: Diamonds and Raw Sewage

Additional Soul Detox Tips

Here are some additional tips for a soul detox:

  • Stop being so busy all the time. Rather, slow down, and be deliberate. Observe and enjoy what’s around you.

  • Nature is powerful for helping you get in touch with the true voice of your soul. It forces you to slow down, breathe deeply, and be aware of what’s around you.

  • Surround yourself with people who are good for your soul.

Ready for a Badass Counseling Soul Detox?

Ready to Get Started with Your Soul Detox?

If you’re ready to listen to the true voice of your soul, you’re ready for a soul detox. The benefits are real – you’ll feel happier and more alive than you’ve ever felt. You have to do the work to get there and scour the crud outta your love cup.

And that, my little friends, is the real scary shit of life, but it’s also where the gold is.

Got the courage? Let me know how it goes.

Thanks for reading.

-- Sven Erlandson, MDiv, Is The Author Of Seven Books, Including 'Badass Jesus: The Serious Athlete And A Life Of Noble Purpose' And 'I Steal Wives: A Serial Adulterer Reveals The REAL Reasons More And More Happily Married Women Are Cheating.' He Has Been Called The Father Of The Spiritual But Not Religious Movement, After His Seminal Book 'Spiritual But Not Religious' Came Out 15 Years Ago, Long Before The Phrase Became Part Of Common Parlance And Even Longer Before The Movement Hit Critical Mass. He Is Former Military, Clergy, And NCAA Head Coach For Strength And Conditioning; And Has A Global Counseling/Consulting Practice with offices In NYC, NJ, And Stamford, CT: BadassCounseling.Com

Sven Erlandson
Author, Former NCAA Coach, Motivational Speaker, Pilot, Spiritual Counselor -- Sven has changed thousands of lives over the past two decades with his innovative and deeply insightful method, called Badass Counseling. He has written five books and is considered the original definer of the 'spiritual but not religious' movement in America.

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